Annapolis Film Festival 2014 - horizontal composition
AAF 2014 approved poster - vertical compositionThe first annual AFF 2013 was a great success! Joe Barsin of JEB Design was honored to be asked again to create the poster for the 2014 Festival. We show below the creative process that went into the illustration. Joe developed the visual concept from the events tagline, "Talk Movie To Me!"
I wanted to show the range of themes and emotions that movies bring to the audience. From laughter and suspense to science fiction and horror. Also, wanted to represent the Naval Academy with a midshipmen. The concept is important but I also needed to create an illustration that could work horizontal and vertically since my work is used from social media to the printed program and street banners. I hope you enjoy the work. -Joe
Below are the initial sketches that were presented to the AFF team. Its a great process that goes into the creative back and forth to reach the final illustration.
First sketch presented to the AFF Board
Second sketch presented to the Annapolis Film Festival Board
To see the 2013 Film Festival poster please follow this link. To see more of Joe Barsn's creative illustration work and to purchase products, go to To learn more about the Annapolis Film Festival, follow this link.