Annapolis Film Festival Animator, Moa Taylor, just created Jay-Z's latest music video!

The #AnnapolisFilmFestival and #CitizenPride (JEB Design, Inc.) are very proud of Moe Taylor! You may recognize Moe as the artist who creates the AFF bumper animations with Joe Barsin's illustrations. Read the Capital's interview with Moe about his recent animation for Jay-Z: "Jay-Z commissions Annapolis High grad and former teacher for Blue Ivy animation"
Below are the Annapolis Film Festival Bummers that Moe has created using Joe Barsin's illustrations:
ANNAPOLIS FILM FESTIVAL 2017 INTRO from Artlife Studio on Vimeo.
Annapolis Film Festival 2015 Trailer from Citizen Pride on Vimeo.
ANNAPOLIS FILM FESTIVAL INTRO 2014 from Artlife Studio on Vimeo.